I'm not very good at waiting. Unfortunately, I've had to spend the last week waiting for the result from the Connexional Candidates Selection Committee. I still have one day to go. There have been many times over the last week when I have tried willing the week away - 'If only it was Wednesday', 'I just want to know so I can start to plan the next stage in my life.' It makes it hard when people, who are so supportive and well meaning, ask if I've heard anything yet. Every time it acts as a reminder that I'm still waiting.
During Lent some of us from Church have been reading through 'The Promise of Easter' by Fleur Dorrell. Today's reading was Psalm 130 and I read:
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in his word I hope;
my soul waits for the Lord
more than those who watch for the morning,
more than those who watch for the morning.
I certainly feel as though I am waiting with greater expectation than the watchmen waiting for the morning. However, it made me think that it is often when we have to wait that we can realise the hope from God. Waiting isn't a wasted time. It is a time to stop and to reflect. This last year has been a busy time getting everything ready for Candidating for the Methodist ministry. Taking time to stop has been difficult. And so there has been plenty of time to stop over the last week and remind myself where my hope comes from. As the Psalmist writes later in the same Psalm God's love is a steadfast love, it is on him that we should hope and depend. If I do make it as a minister, this week has taught me that taking time to stop, to wait on God and to reflect is vital. But it doesn't always make waiting any easier.
One more day to go...
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