Free Grace
Who may enter the kingdom of heaven?
On what condition is someone granted entry?
Can one earn their way in?
Surely no-one is good enough for that.
Maybe, God chooses those God would like.
Maybe, before the dawn of time,
before any person ever lived or breathed,
God picked those who would live, and those who would die.
Maybe, out of all the world, it is but a little flock that are the special ones.
Maybe people will strive and search,
looking for a way in;
but are told that the doors are closed,
you are not welcome,
there is to be no entry.
This is not the God of Scripture!
Jesus said 'Come to me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden'
Was Jesus an hypocrite, a deceiver of the people, a man void of common sincerity?
Surely not!
The grace given by God is grace for all.
We are presented with "life and death" and encouraged to choose life.
All have the option to accept or reject the grace of God,
nothing is forced.
If we make the choice for life, it is a life which starts now.
A life which involves holy living, making choices each step of the way.
Each day we must choose life anew.
We must be wary not to stray from the path;
it may involve danger;
but will also bring blessing - in this life and the life to come.
The gate stands open
God is ready to welcome you in.
Choose life.