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Monday, 6 December 2010

The scariest experience of my life

Ok, so the title may be a slight exaggeration!

What was this scary event - was it my second assessed service for candidating yesterday morning? No it wasn't! I was obviously nervous, but then I get nervous before any service. However, it all seemed to go well.

The scariest event was in fact going to the Parent and Toddler group at one of our local churches to tell the Christmas story. I was asked a couple of weeks ago as Mondays is our minister's day off. They said that the previous minister used to get the toddlers to help act out the story and they would all come dressed up. I have been working with children and young people for the past 8 years but the youngest I have worked with is 5 - toddlers has never been my age group of choice. This morning I was very nervous - far more so than yesterday for the service. Would the children get involved, how long was it meant to last, would they run a mile when they saw me, would we have 30 shepherds but no angels?? This was a new experience and definitely out of my comfort zone!

However, it seemed to go well. All the mums said that it was good. The children all got involved. We only had one shepherd and one wise man but hey, they weren't bothered. They even joined in a song telling the Christmas story with actions to the tune of 'The wheels on the bus.' Maybe I didn't need to be so scared after all!

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Advent Reflections 2 - Saviour

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him shall not die but have eternal life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him." (John 3:16-17)

What more needs to be said? As I sit and watch the candle burn down passed 2 it illuminates the title Saviour and I am reminded the Jesus came because God loves me so much. However, there is a challenge. Because Jesus came not just because God loves me, but because God loves the world. That means that God loves those that I struggle to, or just don't. He loves those that irritate me. He loves those who have done evil things in this world. Jesus came as Saviour for us all. So this Advent (and hopefully beyond) I'm going to try and remember that Jesus came because he loved all the world, not just me and my family and friends. And I'm going to try and especially remember this when people are irritating me or do things I don't like.

This title also reminds me that if Jesus came as Saviour then there is obviously something that I/we need saving from. I like to focus on God's love, which is always the best place to start. However, I also need to look inward and recognise that there are things I do which Jesus wouldn't. If I want to be truly the person God saved me to be then I do need to turn from those things. But it isn't always easy. The good news I'm reminded of is that God is with me. The book I'm reading for Advent had as it's reading today Lamentations 3:22 "The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases."

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Advent Reflections 1 - Lord

As with the last few Advents I have bought an Advent Candle. Maybe it is the prehistoric male urges within me to create fire but I find something fascinating about watching a candle burn. The candle I have this year not only has the numbers on it but it also has titles of Jesus - one for every day. So I thought I would use these as a way to reflect on what these titles mean for me as a way of preparing for Christmas.

Day 1 - Lord. 'Jesus is Lord', supposedly the oldest creed. What does it mean for Jesus to be Lord? For me it is a picture of power and authority. Jesus is one to be obeyed and he has the power to resource all he wants us to do. However, he is not a lord who just makes unreasonable demands upon his subjects. He is someone who loves his people, who wants what is best for them. As Lord he has led by example. When he tells us to pick up our crosses it is to follow him. He asks nothing of us that he hasn't done himself. So when we obey him as our Lord, we can do so knowing that all he instructs and requests is for our good and out of his love.

Back to Blog Wednesday

It has been a long while since I last blogged. Mainly due to having a chest infection which has stubbornly held on for a month and is still not giving up yet. However, the longer I have not blogged, the harder it has been to get back into it. Trying to think of things to blog, gaining the motivation to log back on. It has made me realise how easy it can be to stop attending church. Once you have missed a few weeks it becomes harder and harder. What will people say, will they have noticed I'm not there, what reasons can I give for not attending. How important it is to have events like Back to church Sunday. I'm sure there are countless people out there who just don't have the courage or motivation to go back to church even if they may want to, and yet may respond to someone else inviting them.

Rather than having pastoral visitors in our church we are all members of pastoral groups and our group meets up about once a month. This month we are going out for a Christmas dinner together (always good!) and I am really impressed that there are two couples who don't attend church much now who are both coming. In fact, one of the ladies has now started coming to church a bit since the invite for the meals went out. Keeping these connections with people is so important and something we mustn't underestimate.

It is good to be back blogging and I wonder if there is someone waiting for an invite from you back to church?